I am a business owner and an advisor, as well as an executive coach and mentor.

I was the Secretary-General and CEO of ISO, the world’s largest network of international standards development. With over three decades of expertise, I am one of the world’s most respected experts in international standardization.

I am sharing my knowledge through two ventures:

Stractic Advisors, which helps organizations understand and capture the strategic value of standards, and achieve their goals and generate high-impact with standards.

ReData Ltd, which is revolutionizing the standards industry through AI-driven insights and data analytics.

I am also the owner of Nicolas Fleury Leadership International, which provides strategic and leadership advisory services.

Throughout my career, I acquired extensive experience in international relations, geopolitics, governance, leadership, strategy execution and management. I am a pioneer in innovative, non-conventional, leadership and management methods, and in programmes supporting corporate wellbeing, operational excellence and sustainable high performance.

I am a perpetual, lifelong, learner and an avid reader. You will find some of the books I particularly liked on this page, and suggestions of books to learn about standards on this page.

To know more about me, you can download my CV or connect with me on LinkedIn to explore collaboration opportunities. You can also book 30- or 60-minutes strategic consultancy calls.


As an advisor, I work with organizations providing advice on the development and execution of strategies around standards.

More specifically, I am helping organizations understand and maximize the benefits of standards, how to use them strategically and how to participate to their development, and how to deal with geopolitical, governmental, political and regulatory issues.

I am also advising on approaches that organizations can follow to improve their governance, leadership and management, and their operational, economic, societal, and environmental performance.

As an executive coach and mentor, I am working with CEOs to help them become more effective leaders, develop sustainable high performance, and better manage their lives using methodologies directly taken from Formula 1.

I am also mentoring students and young individuals in their search for a fulfilling career and life. I help them reflect clearly on the objectives for their life, studies and career, and provide them with mental models and tools to achieve success.

I am also delivery workshops, teaching at various university programmes and contribute to conferences on the thematics of standardization, international relations, geopolitics, leadership, responsible management, management of not-for-profit organizations and personal and corporate sustainable high performance.

My current clients include international, national and regional standards bodies, as well as global companies in the energy, finance, information, private equity and technology sectors, as well as intergovernmental and not-for-profit organizations.

Get in touch

Nicolas Fleury Leadership International
Rue du Grand-Pré 17
CH-1299 Crans/VD


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